Keys to becoming a well rounded leader

What makes a great leader? Are leadership traits inherent or learned? Many leadership theories and styles have been created to best answer these questions, however I believe everyone is capable of being a leader.

  1. Great Man Theory - this view states that leaders are "born to lead" with inherent characteristics 
  2. Trait Theory - this view states that leaders are born with distinct leadership traits that are shared by many great leaders.
  3. Situational Theory - this view states that leaders choose the best course of action according to the situation that is proposed.
  4. Behavioural Theory - this view states that great leaders are made, through learned techniques.
  5. Participative Theory - this view states that the best type of leadership takes into account the input of others.  
  6. Management Theory - this view states that best type of leadership is supervised and organized, with rewards and punishments.
  7. Relationship Theory - this view states that the relationship between leaders and members of the group motivates and inspires the group to perform better.
  8. Role Theory - this theory states that knowing ones role, leader or follower, or any member of a given group helps to accomplish any task given more efficiently
The following link takes a look at a few leadership styles represented by some famous well known leaders.

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